July 10, 2008

In praise of Anne

On the occasion of the Modern Library edition of Anne of Green Gables--thus elevating it to the status of "classic"--Meghan O'Rourke argues that this tribute is wholly and entirely deserved.

And I--a long-time Anne fan (and as a young man entirely captivated by Megan Follows)--heartily concur.

Anne has a huge following in Japan. Isao Takahata, Hayao Miyazaki and Yoshifumi Kondo--who would become the creative core of Studio Ghibli--produced a 50-episode television series based on the books in 1979.

Kondo's Whisper of the Heart features an Anne-like protagonist (who wants to become a writer), as do many of Miyazaki's heroines, from Kiki's Delivery Service to Howl's Moving Castle.

Today (meaning tomorrow), NHK's Good Morning, Japan ran a story about the opening of a new Anne of Green Gables exhibition in Tokyo, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the book's publication.

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